Temporary Protected Status is a humanitarian relief granted by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It was established by Congress recognizing the dangers of returning immigrants to their home countries experiencing ongoing armed conflict, natural disasters, or other extraordinary or temporary conditions that are a threat to their safety. If the country's conditions reflect one of the above statutory grounds of eligibility, the Secretary provides a designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS). DHS makes the final decision on whether to designate TPS for a country, hence requiring a great deal of push from advocates.
Benefits of TPS
- Ability to legally reside in the U.S.
- Receive a work permit for the duration of TPS
- Must be able to prove that you have been present and living in the U.S. since the date indicated by DHS at the time of desingation.
A designation can last up to 18 months, after which the Secretary of DHS reviews country conditions to determine whether to extend,
expand protections, or terminate the designation.